Speaking Engagements with Dr. Merriman

Speaking Engagements with Dr. Merriman

In addition to practicing Dental Sleep Medicine and General Dentistry, Dr. Merriman is an educator and a speaker. Contact us at 908-389-0222 if you would like Dr. Merriman to speak to your organization. All presentations are customized to the needs of the audience.

What Makes Us Different List

  • We partner, collaborate, and communicate with Sleep Physicians and Sleep Centers to treat, monitor, and educate patients about sleep disorders and snoring
  • Our team continuously attends courses related to the field of Sleep Medicine to update their skills and knowledge and we are specially trained to treat patients with sleep apnea and snoring
  • We have advanced training to design, fabricate, and titrate custom oral sleep appliances (OSA) for you
  • We monitor your results and follow up with your sleep physician to measure your short- and long-term progress
  • We work with a top tier third-party medical billing company so you may receive your maximum allowable reimbursement. This keeps your out-of-pocket expense for custom oral appliance therapy as low as possible
  • We provide customized and personalized care to one patient at a time with experience, integrity, and honesty